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Monitoring, Evaluating & Elevating Organisational Efficiency in Barbados

Funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)

Project Overview

In September 2022, the Barbados Immigration Department (BID) embarked on a transformative initiative, the “Enhancement of Immigration Services – Performance, Monitoring, and Evaluation Consultancy.” 

This reflective and forward-looking project, funded by the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) and Barbados Tourism Investment Inc (BTII), aimed to elevate operational efficiency and strategic decision-making across all departments (i.e., Passports, Citizenship, Student Visas, etc.,) within BID and at all strategic locations (i.e., Seaport, Headquarters, and Airport). 

HelpUsTrade, our specialist management consulting firm, having won a competitive global procurement exercise, assumed the lead role in crafting a robust Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Performance-Based framework to support the BID to propel itself into the 21st Century.

Key Activities

The project’s journey began with a thorough desk-based review, evaluating historical project objectives, and existing monitoring and evaluation methodologies, processes and systems. In parallel, a retrospective analysis spanning 2014 to 2022 ensued, where HUT leaders analysed strategic and operational changes in the BID during this period and conducted baseline surveys and interviews with BID leaders and key personnel to measure Departmental evolution over the previous 8-year period. 

Following this historical evaluation, an Institutional Capacity and Capability Assessment evaluated the BID’s readiness for implementing a revolutionary M&E system. 

During the project’s period the HUT team systematically identified key data requirements, determined information users, and defined relevant performance indicators that established operational benchmarks and future targets (i.e., measurements and analytics that will be used to tune operational priorities across all BID departments). 

Collaboratively, HUT in consultation with BID leaders, and other BID consultants developed a dynamic Web-Based Information System and repository for BID leaders to quantify and qualify BID and staff progress and performance in all operational areas. Formal M&E training culminated in a sensitisation seminar showcasing the new system.

We believe in building systems that last, and that means continuous organisational improvement. This project wasn’t just about tweaking processes; it was about planting the seeds of a culture of learning and optimisation within the BID. The sun-kissed shores of Barbados might cradle their headquarters, but this commitment to excellence will ripple far and wide as the Department provides improved high quality services to Immigration applicants around the globe.

Gary Clifford, Managing Director, HelpUsTrade.
Barbados, West Coast.

Project Deliverables

In response to a comprehensive Historical Review & Stakeholder Engagement, the Diagnostic Report marked a pivotal milestone for BID as a Progress Report encapsulating institutional capacity diagnostics, retrospective analysis findings and recommendations, a draft M&E framework, and a proposed training plan was all delivered in good time. 

In parallel, the Portal Development phase, led by HUT, witnessed the creation of a FAQ web portal, a Performance Management System, and an Employee and customer Satisfaction surveying portal, all tailored to enhance BID services. This ongoing partnership between HelpUsTrade and the Barbados Immigration Department signifies a commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring the BID remains at the forefront of efficiency and service excellence.

I am profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to work with HUT as you reviewed our procedures and identified bottlenecks.

Margaret Inniss, Chief Immigration Officer, Barbados Immigration Department (BID) (, Barbados – February, 2024