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HelpUsTrade's Modern Slavery Statement

Our Modern Slavery Commitment:

HelpUsTrade (HUT) is committed to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. We take a proactive approach that combines comprehensive policies, ongoing vigilance, and a commitment to ethical sourcing. 

Let's explore the key elements of our approach, policies and practices, and annual delivery targets:

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Combating Modern Slavery

Our Proactive Approach


Zero Tolerance

We have a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery and human trafficking.


Structure and Risk

As a professional services consultancy, our risk is low; however, we remain vigilant by reviewing the risk associated with Modern Slavery for every project we are responsible for.


Supply Chain Focus

We focus on potential risks in our accommodation and transportation suppliers.


Performance Indicators

We have established performance indicators for suppliers to uphold ethical standards.


Training and Reporting

We provide training and encourage reporting of any concerns.

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Comprehensive Framework

Our Modern Slavery Policies

Modern Slavery Statement

This annual statement outlines our actions to prevent modern slavery.

Modern Slavery Policy

This policy details guidance for our personnel on modern slavery.

Modern Slavery Plan

This plan outlines our process for handling reported concerns.

Our Code of Conduct

This code sets out our ethical standards for all personnel and suppliers.

Supplier Code of Conduct

This code establishes our expectations for ethical conduct from suppliers.

Business Targets

Modern Slavery Key Performance Year-on-Year Targets

The following key performance indicators (KPIs) set clear targets to ensure everyone involved in HelpUsTrade’s operations remains informed and vigilant about modern slavery and our proactive policies.

Education & Awareness

100% of HelpUsTrade personnel, associates and relevant suppliers complete training on modern slavery and human trafficking awareness annually.

Supply Chain Engagement

Support at least 6 organisations annually in their modern slavery risk assessments and/or supply chain assessments to ensure everyone receives a fair wage.

Preventing Modern Slavery

Questions & Answers

HelpUsTrade: Modern Slavery - FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about HelpUsTrade's commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking:

HelpUsTrade has zero tolerance for modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. We take a proactive approach that combines comprehensive policies, ongoing vigilance, and a commitment to ethical sourcing.

While our risk as a professional services consultancy is considered low, we remain vigilant. We review the modern slavery risk associated with every project and focus on potential risks in areas like accommodation and transportation suppliers. We also have established performance indicators for suppliers to ensure they uphold ethical standards.

We provide training on modern slavery and human trafficking to all our personnel, associates, and relevant suppliers.Additionally, we support at least six organizations annually in their modern slavery risk assessments or supply chain assessments. This helps ensure everyone involved in the wider network receives a fair wage and works under ethical conditions.