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A Net Zero Consultancy

HelpUsTrade's Carbon Footprint Commitment

Our Carbon Footprint Commitment:

HelpUsTrade pledges to not only achieve Net Zero for our own operations by 2040 but also to be a catalyst for sustainability within the Management Consultancy sector.

To achieve this we will strive to reduce the environmental impacts of our clients, guiding them towards responsible practices and measurable carbon emission reductions.

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Insurance solutions

Our Social Value Commitments

To achieve our commitment, and as a growing business consultancy, we are conscious that we are likely to increase our footprint over the next 3-5 years. Therefore, in 2024, in order to combat this increase we will:

Carbon Offsetting

Commit to offsetting all our carbon emissions by investing in reforestation efforts.

Transparency and Reporting

Report on an annual basis our company's carbon emissions on a project-by-project basis and by extension hold ourselves and our clients accountable for the decisions we make.

Promote Sustainable Practices

Support our clients in adopting sustainable practices and reducing their own carbon emissions. For every project we are directly responsible for our services will extend to supporting our national and international clients on sustainability and helping them develop and implement sustainability strategies of their own.

Employee Engagement and Education

Engage and educate our employees and associates about the importance of reducing carbon emissions and encourage them to participate in company-wide initiatives aimed at reducing carbon footprint both in the workplace and in their personal lives.

HelpUsTrade’s 2024
Carbon Footprint Targets


Carbon Offsetting

  • Target: Offset 50% of CO2 emissions generated annually in 2024.
  • Stretch Goal: Increase offsetting rate by 3.2% annually from 2024 to 2040, achieving 100% carbon neutrality by 2040.
  • Measurement: Tons of CO2 equivalent offset annually and year-over-year comparison to offsetting rate target.

Promote Sustainable Practices

  • Target: Support at least 6 clients in adopting sustainable practices and reducing their carbon footprint annually.
    • Stretch Goal: Exceed the target and offer sustainability support to a larger number of clients each year.
  • Measurement: Number of clients receiving sustainability support annually and comparison to the target.

Carbon Offsetting

  • Target: Achieve an 80% participation rate for HUT employees and associates in sustainability workshops annually.
    • Stretch Goal: Encourage 100% participation through engaging workshop formats and incentives.
  • Measurement: Percentage of employees and associates participating in sustainability workshops annually.

Carbon Offsetting

  • Target: Develop and implement a standardised, cloud-based reporting framework by Q3 2024 for all project and company activities.
    • Stretch Goal: Enhance the framework by incorporating client-specific emissions data tracking by Q4 2024.
  • Measurement: Availability of the cloud-based reporting framework and, as a stretch goal, its incorporation of client-specific emissions data.
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Our Business Culture

Delivering Social Value

We integrate social value considerations into every aspect of our business, including:

Project Development

We actively seek opportunities to create local jobs, upskill workforces, and support community development through our projects.


We prioritise suppliers who share our commitment to social value and responsible practices.


We promote diversity and inclusion within our workforce, offering fair wages, training opportunities, and a supportive work environment.


We collaborate with stakeholders, such as NGOs and government agencies, to amplify our social impact and address community needs effectively.


We transparently measure and report on our social value contributions, demonstrating our commitment to accountability.

Business Targets

Social Value Key Performance Year-on-Year Targets

These key performance indicators (KPIs) track our progress in delivering social value through best practices in our daily operations, keeping everyone at HelpUsTrade informed and engaged.


10% of a project’s value allocated to social value initiatives that promote skills, knowledge exchange, awareness raising, or capacity building. This will be made up of a dedicated social value budget and in-kind expertise offered by HelpUsTrade.

Workforce Development

100% of HelpUsTrade’s workforce/associates/subcontractors to be trained on at least one of the following social value initiatives: Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012, Community Benefits (Wales), the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG), or the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015.


95% positive feedback on all our skills-based community engagement initiatives.


Publish 6 case studies annually showcasing HelpUsTrade’s successful social value initiatives.

Collective Growth

Empowering and supporting 10 organsations (i.e., SMEs, Public Organisations) with their Social Impact initiatives, ensuring we can collectively contribute to a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Reporting and Accountability

We are committed to transparent reporting on our social value performance. We will:


Track our progress project-by-project and year-on-year to measure and evaluate our own performance. 


Regularly report on our social value contributions in our annual report.


Make our social contributions and corresponding reports publicly available on our website. 


Engage with stakeholders in dialogue about our social value performance.


Exceptional Social Values

Questions & Answers

HelpUsTrade: Social Value - FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions about HelpUsTrade's commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking:

Social value goes beyond just delivering a project. We believe in creating positive change through our work. This includes fostering a skilled workforce, contributing to stronger communities, and driving environmental responsibility. Our social value commitments are guided by frameworks like the Public Services (Social Value) Act and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. comprehensive policies, ongoing vigilance, and a commitment to ethical sourcing.

Social value is embedded throughout our operations.

Here are a few examples:

  • Project Development: We actively seek opportunities to create local jobs and upskill workforces during project planning.
  • Procurement: We prioritize suppliers who share our commitment to ethical practices and social responsibility.
  • Partnerships: We collaborate with NGOs and government agencies to address community needs and maximize our social impact.
  • Reporting: We transparently measure and report on our social value contributions to ensure accountability.

We have established clear key performance indicators (KPIs) to track our progress in delivering social value.

These include:

  • Financial: Allocating 10% of a project’s value to social value initiatives.
  • Workforce Development: Training 100% of our workforce on social value frameworks.
  • Impact: Achieving 95% positive feedback on our skills-based community engagement initiatives.
  • Communications: Publishing case studies showcasing successful social value initiatives.
  • Collective Growth: Empowering 10 organizations annually with their social impact initiatives.

We believe in open communication and regularly report on our social value performance through publicly available reports and stakeholder engagement.